St. Patrick Seminary
Alumni Faculty Calendar History Memoirs Newsletter Reunions Contact

An Introductory Note:
Click on any title to view these newsletters. The familiar "click here" prompt is not needed on this page. These newsletters will open up, in your browser, using Adobe's (pdf) Reader product. Due to some concerns, I have created a page for you that contains: Three Tips for viewing these Newsletter files.  Enjoy!

The Alumni Bulletin, November 1938
    Contains: Old news, Fr. Peltier, Alumnecdotes!, Fr. Jepson, faculty changes, did you know? (the Halloween bonfire), Rhets of 1925.

The Alumni Bulletin, June 1940
    Contains: Alumni Day May 23 1940 (on a Thursday), Class of 1934 now ordained, alumni officers, the Library, college notes, visiting St. Patrick's and also a riddle.

The Blow, 1959
    John Van Hagen, editor
Includes 4 excellent photographs, plus the following articles:
Your Monthly Bill (by Bill McClure)
Athletic Doings (by Brian Cahill)
Interview with Fr. Cyril Leach by (John Van Hagen)
The four captains do some bragging: Paul Laveroni, Dan Folliard, Jack Connely and Dick Gorrinse (with a photo)
New faculty faces of 1959: Frs. Leveille, Kalkman, Lowell, Poggi, Burns (with pictures)
Around the links (by Jim Hayes)

The Blow, June 10, 1953
   (Sent to the Alumni Assoc. by Loren Dwyer, R’53)
The September Affair, Fr. Rock (by Thomas Dowling)
Vacation (by George Crespin)
High Society (by Arthur Strange)
The Unsuspected (by David Pettingill)
The Snoop (by Robert Quigley)
The Blow Staff and a “Thank You”
Here And There (by Michael Keating)
Sports review
   (Note: The above named writers are all R’56)
   (A tip: The quality of these pages is poor, faded and blotchy. It might help the viewer, after opening this file, to enlarge your window to full screen.)

St. Joseph's and St. Patrick's Collide on the Basketball Court, 1960
by Philip McCrillis, R'55
   From “The Patrician,” Vol. XXIX, No. 2, page 17, Spring 1960

The Blow, 11-24-1960 (Part 1)
   (Sent to the Alumni Assoc. by John Owen, R’65)
The Blow Staff
Opening Day Statistics
Seminarians and the Word of God
Interview with a famous Yogi (by Bob Carroll, R'61)
The Father Braun Story (by Mike Joyce, R'62)
Chapel symbols
A Definition (by Mike McAlister, R'62)
   (Notes: I scanned this Blow in two parts because of its size. Large files (and photos) tend to open very slowly and frustrate the readers. Part 2 is the next item on this page. I did not scan several pages that were unreadable. Even the faintest pages have historical value, so I did scan some very poor pages. Tip: Set your reading window to full screen - it helps a bit.)

The Blow, 11-24-1960 (Part 2)
   (Sent to the Alumni Assoc. by John Owen, R’65)
Election year (1960) art artwork
Dear Santa (by Iggie, R'64 and Pete Ferrai, R'63)
A King Has Fallen (by Martin Freitas, R'62)
A Study in Latin (by Bob Nixon, R'62)
   (Notes: Part 1 is the item just above)

The Blow (Vol. XIV, No. 2), Christmas 1961
   (Sent to the Alumni Assoc. by John Owen, R’65)
The Lark by Joe Harrington
A visit with Fr. Girard by Gil Meta
Langlais Mass by Bill McClure
T.V.’s Newest dilemma by Van Hagen, Ed.
The decline of boxing (part-1), by Bill McClure

The Blow (Vol. XIV, No. 2), Christmas 1961
   (Scanned and shown in 2 parts because of the large file size)
The Pirates by Brian Cahill (includes 2 pictures)
Low Noon by John Riley
Quotes by Riley & Ringrose
The only good Christian… by John Riley
My most embarrassing experience at Saint Joseph’s College by Peter Higgins

A note about the organization of this Newsletter Section:
The above newsletters are at the top of this page because they possess significant historical interest for our Alumni. For example, the issues of The Blow are rare. I do not have any other issues. I would certainly appreciate some more copies of the Blow to post and share.
The newsletters below are sorted by age from the oldest to the newest. So, as I scan, encode and upload additional newsletters, I plan to insert them in this section by date.

Alumni Association Newsletter: November 1985
Volume IV, No. 2
Welcome to Fr. Coleman (new college president)
From The new rector
Alumni president’s corner, Walt Harrington
Alumni Day 1985 (Pictures)
Stella Matutina by Fr. Francis Rock, S,S,

Alumni Association Newsletter: April 1986
Vol. V, No. 1
Alumni Day 1986
Expanding activities (by Fr. Gerald Colemen, S.S.)
Seminarians – A new breed (by Rev. Stephen Barrett, S.S.)
Rev. “Lucky” – Rev. Fred Riccio, C’73
Called to minister, (by Louis Souza
New Alumni Board Members
Busy semester at the college
Faculty changes at St. Joseph’s

Alumni Association Newsletter: November 1986
Vol. V, No. 2
Alumni Day 1986
College chapel renovation (per Vatican II), by Fr. Gerald Coleman, S.S.
Enlightenment in the desert (Bob Kaelin, C’87)
Older but better, Fr. Andrew Forster and Fr. John Franey
Fall semester opens at St. Joseph's
Alumni president's corner: Michael Crilly

Alumni Association Newsletter: April 1987
Vol. VI, No. 1
Commencement exercises – 1987
St. Joseph’s Community Celebrates TET (by Doc Nguyen)
Memories of 6th Latin – 1930 (by Vincent J. Mullins, R’36)
St. Joseph’s College: A Future (by Fr. Gerald Coleman, S.S.)
Alumni President’s Corner (by Michael Crilly)

Alumni Association Newsletter: November 1987
Vol. V, No. 2
Alumni Day 1987 enjoyed by many (pictures on Page 7)
Father John Dwyer (by Donald Carroll, R’58
St. Joseph’s College: A Renewed Moment (by Fr. Gerald Coleman, S.S.)
Alumni President’s Corner (by Michael Carter)

Alumni Association Newsletter: April 1988
Vol. VII, No. 1
Rev. Cale Crowley, S.S. Incoming President for St. Joseph’s
The seminary in the church (by Rev. Gerald Coleman, S.S.)
Alumni President’s corner (by Michael Carter)
Homily for Alumni Day, 9/11/1987 (by Rev. Thomas Lacey)

Alumni Association Newsletter: November 1988
Vol. VII, No. 2
Alumni Day – 1988
Alumni Board greets new members
Alumnus brings 28 Morgan Hill school children to the seminary
New faculty and new development director at St. Joseph’s

Alumni Association Newsletter: April 1989
Vol. VIII, No. 1
Graduation at St. Joseph’s, 1989
TET Celebration at the college by Paul Hoa Mai, C’89
Pacific Islands Day Celebration by Roger P. T. Tenorio, C’89
Molly Lyons honored
From the Rector, Rev. Cale J. Crowley, S.S.
Alumni President’s Corner, Rev. Milton T. Walsh
Sulpicians celebrate anniversaries
Anniversary party for Ginny Sullivan
Faculty changes at St. Joseph’s
Pictures from 1927-1033

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 1990
Vol. IX, No. 1
St. Joseph’s damaged by earthquake
College library damaged by quake
Alumni Office at new location
From the rector (Crowley), Alumni President (Walsh)
Thoughts on the college and the Alumni Association by Don Carroll, R’58
Bay area alumni gather in S.F.
Alumni day, 1989
Commencement exercises for graduates, 1990

Alumni Association Newsletter: Summer 1991
Vol. X, No. 1
Alumni Day – 1990
St. Joseph’s College closes, 1924-1991
Alumni President’s Corner – Transitions (C. W. Sweeney, R’40)
From the Rector, Fr. Cale Crowley, S.S. “Earthquakes tend to put things into perspective…..”
Don Carroll, R’58 receives St. Thomas More award
A Russian Experience (Jim Hansen, HS’69)
A Tribute to St. Joseph’s College (Erwin Ravago, C’92 and Edward Taylor, C’89)

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 1992
Vol. XI
From the editor, by Virginia Sullivan
Alumni President’s Corner, C. W. Sweeney, R’40
St. Patrick’s hosts the bi-centennial anniversary of the Society of St. Sulpice in the United States, 1791-1991
Alumni day, 1991

Alumni Association Newsletter: Summer 1993
Vol. XII, No. 1
Alumni President’s Report: The state of the association, by J. Dennis McQuaid, R’59
Last two graduates get degree from St. Joseph’s College, June 1993
St. Joseph’s Alumni ordained
Scholarship fund created
Video of St. Joseph’s College
Sulpicians in Africa
Sulpicians new Jeep
Alumni day, 1992

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 1994
Vol. XIII, No. 1
A letter from the Holy Family Sisters, from Sister Rachel Lessard, p.s.s.f.
A video tribute to St. Joseph’s by Michael Sheehan, C’75
Brian O’Kane’s thoughts on Alumni Day, Sept. 18, 1993
Alumni President’s Corner: “We are still here!” by J. Dennis McQuaid, R’59
Alumni board elects new members, scholarship news, and more
Alumni day(s) coverage with 8 pictures

Alumni Association Newsletter: Summer 1994
Vol. XIII, No. 2
Alumni President’s Corner, by J. Dennis McQuaid, R’59
“Thank you Dennis!” note from the Board of Governors

Alumni Association Newsletter: Winter 1994
Vol. XIV, No. 3
‘Til we meet again: the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, (91 years of service)
Loaves and fishes needed, by your scholarship committee.
Alumni President’s Corner, Rev. David T. McCarthy, H’69 and C’73
Alumni day, 1994, plus 18 pictures

Alumni Association Newsletter: November 1995
Remembrance (of St. Joseph’s College)
Who pays the bills for today’s seminarians? By the scholarship committee
Most Rev. Michael Kenny, R’57 (1937-1995)
Rev. Msgr. Cornelius Burns, R’49 (by Don Carroll, R’58)

Alumni Association Newsletter: December 1998
End of a chapter – the demolition of St. Joseph’s (by Fr. John Olivier, S.S.)
New alumni coordinator, Jim Murphy, R’64
Reminiscences in purple prose (James Marchiano, R’63)
Photos from our first day of recollection

Alumni Association Newsletter: April 1999
In Memoriam: Charles W. Sweeney, R’40
President’s column (by Patrick Cloherty, R’64)
Board member profile
Day of Recollection
Reflections on the Day of Recollection (by Richard Brett, R’65)

Alumni Association Newsletter: Winter 1999
Frank B. Norris, S.S., R’1944 (1925-2000)
Catholic Worker House, Redwood City, CA (by Larry Purcell, R’64)
Your Alumni Board (1999)
Alumni Day 1999 - snapshots

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring-Summer 2000
Record numbers at Alumni Day 2000
Celebrating the Rhet Class of 1950, or the Laments of a Sixth Latiner (by Walter J. Falconer, R'50)
Nostalgia Lane: Drama and Sports (by Jim Marchiano and Barry Bissell, R’63)
Y2K Quiz answers

Alumni Association Newsletter: Fall 2000
John H. Olivier, S.S., A Gentleman of Saint Sulpice
Catholic charities (Brian Cahill, R’60)
Hearing aids and St. Joe (Larry Ratto, R’54)
A day in my life at St. Joseph’s in 1958 (Bill Wall, R’63)
A country to be grateful for (Ed Gaffney, R’61)

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2001
Alumni return to the seminary.
Buzzy is back (by Rev. John Cloherty, R’1954)
The road not taken (by Lawrence Percell, Ph.D. R’67)
General Information for Young Men Entering St. Joseph's College (by Wally Nicholas, R'65)
Former faculty at St. Joseph’s

Alumni Association Newsletter: Fall 2001
September 11, 2001 – A View from Hanover Square (by Jim Murphy, R’65)
Alumni Day 2001
A Salutation to the Rhet Class of 1961 (by Edward McGlynn Gaffney, R’61)

Alumni Association Newsletter: Fall 2002
Alumni Day 2002 (by Dr. Robert S. Gorman, R’52)
Come to the Soccer Reunion on Alumni Day, 1972 Varsity team picture.
Alumni updates and in memoriam pages

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2005
Alumni Day 2004 coverage, with lots of pictures
Alumni Scoops
Sunshine Camp, Russian River

Alumni Association Newsletter: Summer 2010
Pop's Rock Planted!
Saint Joseph's bonfires, and more

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2011
News from Alumni Day 2010, Rhet 1965 reunion, great pictures and more!

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2019
Alumni Day 4/28/2018 celebration
Two Wonderful Men:
    Homily delivered at Bishop Richard Garcia's funeral mass.
    A Tribute to Bishop Frank Quinn on his 98th birthday.
   Alumni Board is planning a high school sports hall of fame for the fall 2019.

Alumni Association Newsletter: Fall 2019
  Alumni Day 2019
  Bishop Pierre DuMaine R'51 dies.

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2020
  Sports Hall of Fame inductions
  Alums in the Arts

Alumni Association Newsletter: Summer 2020
  Alums as Immigration and Refugee workers

Alumni Association Newsletter: Winter 2020  
Alums in Law Enforcement

Alumni Association Newsletter: Spring 2021  
  Sports at SJC

Alumni Association Newsletter: Fall 2021
  Alumni Awardees
  Meet some of your board members​​​​​.

Alumni Association Newsletter Spring 2022   
  Education Issue, Part I

Alumni Association Newsletter Summer 2022
  Education issue, Part II​

Alumni Association Newsletter Winter 2022
  Music issue - Fr. Olivier, etc

  Alumni Day 2022
  Education issue, Part III
  Day of Rec - 2023
  ​Rev. Paul Gregoire remembered.
  Alumni Day 2023
  Paul LeDoux, PhD, story
  Synod Wrap up
  Medical, Police, Fire stories
  Controversial Insert