How many of these 1961 Sulpicians can you identify???
This picture was distributed to all seminarians with a 1961 Christmas message.
"Thank you" Jack Henson, R'65 for sending us this spectacular photo!
This next picture shows the St. Joseph's faculty in 1936
These teachers have been identified as follows:
Top (back) Row:
Royal 'The Floater' Webster, S.S.
Mike Sheehy, S.S.
Edward 'Lefty' Allen
Guy Hayden
3rd Row:
Fr T O'Kane
Joseph 'Jake' Rivard, S.S. (1898-1972)
William 'Bucky' O'Connor, S.S. (1887-1968)
Joseph Riddlemoser, S.S. (1899-1978)
Fr Joe Twamley
2nd Row:
Victor 'Dean' Bast, S.S.
Thomas 'Jeeves' Haggerty, S.S. (1902-1987)
Fr T Cummins, Treasurer
Maurice 'Mick' Reardon
Fr. J. Galvin
Front (1st) Row:
Francis 'Pop' Rock, S.S. (1896-1975)
Eugene 'Soupie' Soupan, S.S. (1872-1956)
Lyman Fenn, S.S.
Alexander Peltier, S.S. (1867-1940)
Here is a page titled "Former Faculty at St. Joseph's." It contains 10 pictures of our teachers and it comes from the Alumni Newsletter, Spring 2001. You will also enjoy the brief biography of Fr. Royal Bertram Webster! (click here to see this page).
St. Joseph's Preparatory Seminary has been placed by the Most Reverend Archbishop of San Francisco under the direction of the Sulpician Fathers, a society of secular priests specially organized for the training of aspirants to the priesthood. Their theological seminary of St. Mary's in Baltimore, the Sulpician Seminary in Washington, and their preparatory college of St. Charles near Baltimore, are well-known institutions. St. Mary's was opened in 1791 by Fathers of the Society from the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, at the invitation of Bishop Carroll, the first Bishop of the United States. St. Charles College began in 1848 with Fathers from St. Mary's, on a site given by the venerable Charles Carroll of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. St. Mary's, the oldest seminary in the United States provided the first priest ordained in this country, and since then has seen over 2800 of its sons raised to the priesthood. St. Charles has a record equally honorable. It has matriculated over 5000 students, representing 41 states and 77 dioceses, of whom nearly 2000 have heen ordained priests. Among its distinguished sons, St. Charles counts a cardinal, six archbishops and 15 bishops.
From St. Charles and St. Mary's the superiors and the majority of the professors came to St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, in answer to the request made to the Superior General of the Sulpicians by Archbishop Riordan, supported by the express desire of our late Holy Father Pope Leo XIII. St. Joseph's College in turn has received the majority of its professors from the same source.
At St. Joseph's College the Sulpician Fathers have as efficient co-workers members of the diocesan clergy.
The Very Rev. John J. Jepson, S.S., Ph.D., S.T.B., President
The Rev. Benjamin F. Marcetteau, S.S., A.M., S.T.B., Vice-President
The Rev. Alexander M. Peltier, S.S., Litt.H., J.C.L.
The Rev. Eugene L. Saupin, S.S.
The Rev. Royal B. Webster, S.S., A.M., S.T.B.
The Rev. Victor A. Bast, S.S., Ph.D.. S.T.B.
The Rev. Aidan A. Doyle, Treasurer
The Rev. William J. Sheehy, A.M.
The Rev. John H. Twamley, S.S., A.M., S.T.B. Prefect of Discipline
The Rev. Thomas J. Cummins, Treasurer
The Rev. Maurice F. Riordan
The Rev. J. A. U. Rivard, S.S., A.H., S.T.B.
The Very Rev. George C. Powers, M.M., A.M. S.T.D.
The Rev. T. N. O'Kane
The Rev. John F. Linn, S.S., A.B., S.T.B.
The Rev. John M. Martin, M.M., A.M., S.T.B.
The Rev. Eugene P. Connaghan, A.B., S.T.B.
The Rev. Hugh A. Donohoe
The Rev. Ernest E. Mailhot, M.M., S.T.B.