St. Patrick Seminary
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Day of Recollection - 2003

On Saturday, March 8th, 2003, 45 former seminarians attended our annual Day of Recollection at St. Patrick's Seminary. The day was led by Rev. Joseph P. Healy, Associate Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Belmont, CA. The theme of the day was "Identifying a Mature Spirituality."

This day was a marvelous experience and it was a wonderful way to begin our Lenten Season. Father Joe set the stage by describing his own journey to the priesthood. Being the eleventh of twelve children and growing up in a working class family in Pittsburgh, PA, Father Joe's spiritual growth was a fascinating story. He discovered San Francisco, and the Bay Area while he was serving in the military. He settled in this area and continued to struggle with his own spirituality, and he decided to enter St. Patrick's Seminary when he was in his forties. 

Father Joe shared a number of textbook definitions of "spirituality" with us as he commented upon each. He then described the stages of spiritual growth and maturity in a practical way that we could apply to our own lives. As former seminarians of St. Joseph's College we share a number of common formational experiences. Despite inevitable differences, we are all on a common journey of faith, each particular journey uniquely graced and challenging. As alums from diverse generations, we have shared a part of our individual journeys together. Those of us who attended this special day were effusive in our praise of Father Joe Healy, and grateful for his impact upon our own personal journey. 

Your Alumni Board will plan to offer another day of personal reflection and prayer in 2004. We hope that you find the time to join us as we look at where we are now, personally and spiritually, and where our lives are going.