Each year since 2000, the Alumni Board has selected one, and sometimes two, alumni who are recognized as our "Alumni Of The Year." These people are then introduced and honored at our annual Alumni Day. The James P. Murphy Award was begun in 2019 to honor an alum who has given distinguished service to the Alumni Association. Here is a list of the winners. There were no awardees for 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic and the cancelling of our annual Alumni Day. Also, shown below, is a plaque that commemorates these special people. This plaque is located outside the entryway doors to the chapel at St. Patrick's Seminary.
Alumni Of The Year Award
2000 Most Rev. Michael H. Kenny, R'57
2001 Most Rev. Mark J. Hurley, R'39
Most Rev. Francis T. Hurley, R'45
2002 Vincent J. Briare, R'48
2003 John J. Kelly, R'42
2004 Rev. William J. O’Donnell, R'50
Lawrence P. Purcell, R'64
2005 Msgr. Eugene J. Boyle, R'41
James P. McEntee, R'51
2006 Most Rev. Francis A. Quinn, R'41
Dudley Conneely, R'64
2007 Most Rev. John S. Cummins, R'47
2008 Walter J. Harrington, R'51
Rev. William C. Leininger, R'50
2009 Rev. Brian T. Joyce, R'57
Rev. Larry Goode, R'58
2010 Msgr. Jack Brenkle, R'52
Dennis O'Brien, R'61
2011 Kevin Ryan, R'53
Rev. John J. Cloherty, R'54
2012 Msgr. Michael J. Winterer, R’61
Rev. George Crespin, R’56
2013 Msgr. James O’Malley, R’39
Bill Cane, R’55
2014 Rev. Jack Isaacs, R’64
Rev. Jack O’Neill, R’61
2015 Rev. Tony McGuire, R’59
Gilbert Loescher, R’65
2016 Rev. Thomas Seagrave, R’62
Msgr. J. Warren Holleran, R’47
2017 James P. Murphy, R’64
2018 Rev. Mateo Sheedy, C'73
James Kennedy, R’54
2019 Bishop Richard Garcia, C’69
Brian F. Cahill, R'60
2022 Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, R’62
J. Dennis McQuaid, R’59

James P. Murphy Award
2019 John Ravnik, R'59 - our photographer extraordinaire
2022 Chuck Smith, R'60 - our web master
Pat Cloherty, R'64