Tom Sheehan, R'61
This event is precious to us because it takes us back to our brotherhood that has marked us across 5 decades;
it has marked us indelibly! In my case, we entered in 1955, more than 5 decades ago;
for many of you here, even more than that.
"The brotherhood....." The Saint Joseph's years were the happiest of my young life - because of the undeserved gift of being a part of the most wonderful group of friends and acquaintances. We lived in "this house" under a strict rule; but we found many outlets - for mischief. One bit of mischief involved our group sneaking into the "floater's" room and marveling at his magagerie of memoirs including a part of the cake from his ordination celebration. Another time we put Saran wrap over Father Joe Riddlemosser's toilet bowl with full knowledge that he took off his "coke bottle" glasses as soon as he enterred his room.
I remember one night in the chapel for our rosary, which is an occasion for many of us to doze off, my classmate, Mike Allen (who was leading the rosary) woke us up when he intoned the 2nd sorrowful mystery: "The Scourging at the pillow."